Activity 1
Here is the definition of attribution: action of regarding something as being caused by a someone or something. (Not giving credit.) You need to give credit to others work because if you don’t that is called plagiarism. In case you don’t know what plagiarism means I will tell you, it is when you use someone else’s words or ideas and pass them off as your own or you digitally copy and paste. If you’re still confused here are right examples and wrong examples.

Right. It is right because it has the name of the creator of this saying. Wrong It is wrong because it says no name or no credit to the creator. Also this information can help you out.Do you want to know how? Well,here is how,if you didn’t read my blog then you wouldn’t know what plagiarism is. I know what you’re thinking “why is she making such a big deal?” I’m making a big deal because there are some consequences like,it can get you expelled from your work/job or school. Another one is,it can become an legal action. Last one is, you can have all your work,even if you didn’t copy and paste all of it, it still gets erased no matter what you say or try to do.
Activity 2

Butterfly is blue with orange dots
the butterfly is thin like paper
the butterfly is big as a Reese’s cup
the butterfly is free like me
Butterfly rests upon a flower
flower differs from butterfly
butterfly sucks nectar from flower
pedals lay on soft green stem